Fran Allison

Fran is the sweetheart of all the Kuklapolitans.  She is 0llie's own "cutie." When the burdens of shouldering all the Kuklapolitan problems get too much for Kukla, he always knows that Fran will be understanding and sympathetic.

Fran is always ready to play with Doloras.  Buelah and Mme. Ooglepuss and Fran make up one or the most unusual girl trios in all of show business.

Col. Crackie respects her, Fletcher seeks her counsel, and Cecil Bill finds she is an understanding listener--at least she understands more tooie talk than most of the girls. Fran brings warmth and joy wherever she is, and all of the Kuklapolitans and their friends love her.  Each of the Kuklapolitans feels that Fran has a strong affection for them--and they're right.
